network technicians connect cables, Internet, telephones and other
telecommunications equipment to various service providers. They work in
residential homes, schools, businesses and more, maintaining and repairing
installed cables as necessary to make them work properly. Since some fiber
optic cables are located outside buildings, these professionals may have to
climb stairs or use other methods to access high places to do their job, as
well as to work in any weather. Driving is another important skill that you
must have, since most installers use a company vehicle for transportation
between different jobs. See the following diagram for an overview of how to
access this field.
What does a fiber network
technician do?
network technicians, also known as fiber network technicians and fiber optic
network technicians, generally work for cable companies and Internet service
providers. I would like to use fiber optic materials to connect customers to
the Internet and install cable and telephone services. It may be necessary to
install, maintain and repair fiber optic materials in homes, businesses and
schools, working directly with customers to ensure their satisfaction. Technicians
also set up routers and email accounts, as well as install the relevant
Are there any special
you are considering this career, you must have excellent customer service
skills and the ability to work in physically demanding conditions. You can
expect to spend a lot of time working outdoors and you should feel comfortable
climbing stairs and lifting heavy objects.
What Education Do I Need? While some companies hire fiber network
technicians who have higher degrees, you may want to improve your employability
with a university education. If you are thinking of enrolling in an educational
program, you can choose between different certification options and degree
courses. Some colleges in the community offer certification programs that can
prepare you for certification of fiber optic technicians. Other options are an
associate degree in telecommunication technology or a degree in
telecommunication engineering. Although relatively rare, some schools offer
degrees in networks and telecommunications.
you want to get a job within a year, a certification program may be the best
way to start your career. However, completing an associate's degree or degree
program will increase your chances of finding a good job. Both degree programs will
teach you cable systems, networks, data communications and wireless
What About Certification? Many telecommunications companies are
looking for technicians of fiber networks with technical certification. The
Association of Electronic Technicians (ETA) offers more than 80 certifications,
including the designation of the fiber optic installer (FOI), which is the
first certification necessary to begin creating industry credentials
(www.eta-i. Org). After obtaining the FOI designation, you can take the 3-day
ETA course and the exam that leads to the designation of the Fiber Optic
Technician (FOT). Certification can also be obtained through the Optical Fiber
Association (FOA), which offers the designation of the Certified Optical Fiber
Technician (CFOT) (
How much money can I earn?
to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. UU. (BLS), fiber network
technicians are classified as installers and repairers of telecommunications
lines ( In 2018, BLS reported that jobs in this profession are
expected to grow 4% between 2018-2028. The BLS also reported that the average
annual salary for an installer and repairer of telecommunications lines was $
58,280 in 2018.
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